People: no matter who you nominate, the Trumpsters are going to go wild. Don't sweat it. Don't engage with it. Fight.


Nominate anyone. ANYONE. Within five minutes the Trumpizoidal maniacs will insist that the nominee is the greatest threat to American freedom in human history. ANY of the Democratic nominees will be said to be gun-stealing socialists planning to force abortions on every girl and Venezuelan economics on the whole world.

The Trumpies will make up what can’t be Googled. If you think last night’s debate was unfair to your candidate, you are profoundly naive. If the Democratic candidates can’t take what they faced on that stage last night they’ll never be able to face the onslaught of deranged bile that will be coming their way from the Trumpizoidal maniacs.

You can’t worry about Trump. You already know what’s coming from Trump. You have to mobilize vast numbers of voters and purge the Trumpsters from society to a degree their grandchildren will feel a genetic need to change their last names.

Vote your heart in the primary. Vote blue in the general.